8 signs your relationship isn’t worth saving anymore
Most relationships start on a high note but a few months after, it...
7 things to expect when dating an older man
Age is just a number, and people of our generation seems to be...
5 reasons why your partner will end up cheating on you
Is cheating ever your fault, or is there a chance that your actions...
5 reasons you should avoid a long-term relationship in your early 20s
The 20s are a crucial time in our lives. It is the time...
5 fruits you should avoid if you are trying to lose weight
Losing weight requires patience, and lots of hard work to get to the...
5 zodiac signs who are extremely addicted to social media
Having an addiction towards social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and more,...
Top relationship secrets you shouldn’t share with your friends
They say sharing is caring, and granted we all want to believe that we...
6 ways you can handle your desires when single
Being single is not easy especially when your friends go on and on...
7 good reasons to spend time apart from your partner
When you first start dating your dream partner, you’re all over each other....
6 warning signs your relationship is failing
Relationships are beautiful but sometimes they just don’t seem to work out. Once...
Covid-19: 5 common foods to boost your immune system
As news of Covid-19 continues to swirl around us, measures against contracting it...
These 6 behaviors are the biggest predictors of breakups
Most romantic relationships lose their bright colors over time and can turn...
7 surprising side effect of eating too many Cucumbers
Cucumber is a widely cultivated plant belonging to the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. In...
8 telltale signs your partner is secretly unhappy
When our relationships are great, we feel happy, assured and empowered. But what...
5 signs you and your partner are becoming total strangers
You’ve probably heard the term “7-year itch,” which refers to the point where couples...
5 ways positive thinking can help you live longer
Negative thoughts have a way of sipping into our brains and taking over...
5 zodiac signs who always seek revenge
There are some people who can’t let go of past injustices, hurt and...
7 act of kindness to practice in your relationship
Happy couples are never rude but instead spoil each other with acts of...
8 things women do that scare men away
Do you ever feel like you’re a man repellent? It could be that...
10 cancer-causing foods you probably eat every day
According to World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death...
5 common household chemicals linked to brain damage
Exposure to certain chemicals commonly found in household products has raised concerns due to their...