Decoding people who cry a lot
People react to different situations in different ways. They either keep a poker...
These 4 subtle behaviours make men instantly attractive
There are certain things men do unintentionally that make women swoon over them....
9 places to visit during the Durban July weekend
Known for its stunning beaches, diverse culture, and exciting attractions, Durban is a...
How to get rid of ants in your home
Ants are devilishly clever creatures, when they smell an opportunity, they won’t let...
Top 10 natural ingredients for glowing skin
Expensive creams and serums aren’t always necessary to get radiant skin. Numerous natural...
The highest paying job in SA has a R213,000 pay day
Some South Africans are still earning big pay cheques, including an occupation that will pay...
Low-carb diet: What to eat and avoid
With such variety of diets available to us, it is always difficult to...
3 signs a cancer is advanced and incurable
Cancer is a diagnosis that can change lives. However, the stage at which...
10 tips to keep in mind while travelling in winter
Well, a number of people must have already planned their winter travel to...
9 signs you have a heart of gold
Heart of gold” is a beautiful phrase. When you read it, you’ll likely...
5 expert tips on how to avoid rabies
Animal bites happen frequently and whether they are from a domestic pet or...
5 tips to help you embrace the one-bag travel trend
The one-bag travel trend continues to gaining popularity worldwide. It started to gain...
8 smart ways to clean and store fresh herbs without preservatives
Do you often struggle with fast wilting of fresh herbs and end up...
How to buy the perfect sofa for you
Ah, the sofa, the undisputed living room centrepiece, a haven for movie nights,...
Zodiac signs: Expect surprise credit alerts in July if you’re one of these
Four zodiac signs can expect a cash injection in July, astrologers predict. This...
World’s most expensive bottled water is priced at $1390
We all know that water is among the basic necessities of life. Thinking...
9 benefits that come with renting a house compared to owning one
When it comes to choosing a place to live, one of the most...
5 effective ways to never let work interfere with your relationship
In today’s fast-paced world, individuals lead immensely busy lives filled with numerous responsibilities,...
7 things you should never do on a night safari
A night safari offers a unique and memorable experience, allowing you to witness...
10 tips on how to give a bright and playful look to your home
Transforming your living space into a vibrant and cheerful haven is easier than you think. With a...
Starting a new relationship the right way: 8 key etiquette rules for the talking stage
When getting to know a potential lover, you do not want to mess it up....