
I Don’t Know All My Siblings – Prince Kaybee


Prince Kaybee has admitted that he doesn’t know all his siblings in an interview with Metro FM this week. The popular hitmaker is the last of his father’s 36 kids.

He revealed he only met all of tem during his dad’s funeral. “There is politics, guys. I only met them, all of them, when the pastor at my dad’s funeral said: ‘all the kids from Mr Motsamai come stand in front’. We all stood in a line. There was a team,”

Prince Kaybee adds the reason he wasn’t able to meet his siblings at an early age was because they grew up in different homes.

He also joked about having 18 kids earlier this yera. He wrote on social media then,  “My dad has 36 kids, they say the last born will make at least half of what the dad made if its a boy! And guess who is the last born? #Genes,”

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