Enhle Mbali’s success this 2019 is explosive as she’s gradually making her dreams come true.
The fashionista who was a designer of Beyonce’s Global Citizen Festival dress recently said she was proud to be an ambassador of Johnnie Walker’s #keepwalkingsa campaignin South Africa.
However, she upped her game by launching her new hair range named Labello.
Sharing a post of it on Instagram, she said;
“Welcome my hair range Labello by Enhle Mbali with my My Enhle dolls. I have been hearing these ladies look like me so I got them to be my Enhle dolls @labellodoll ‘s was so much fun . So beautiful.”
“Such an exciting time for me.I have bought shares to this Amazing high quality synthetic hair company and today I share it with all of you. Hair for heirs of royalty. Labello by Enhle Mbali.” She tweeted.