Lerato Sengadi mourns late husband, HHP, on social media, 6 months after his death.
HHP’s death really caused a dark cloud over South Africans, including the music industry, as he was called a legend.
However, Lerato is still hurt over the death of her partner and lover. In a lengthy note, she poured out her heart remembering HHP.
“How is it half a year already? The gaping hole in my heart & the pain that resonates from it are daily sobering reminders of a void that will never be filled. The grief is suffocating at times but the TRUTH, OUR TRUTH is the oxygen that keeps me going always. I am keeping all my promises to u, no matter how long it takes me (bcos the truth doesn’t change over time…it’s constant)…. “they” forget that “You ain’t married to no average b*tch boy” I miss u every second of every day Motho waka. I love u for many lifetimes.”