
Kanye West cancels Covid-19 vaccine after testing positive – “That’s the mark of the beast”


American rapper, Kanye West reveals testing positive for Covid-19 in February and he’s revealed the symptoms he battled with.

The rapper also said Drake had the virus.

“Chills, shaking in the bed, taking hot showers, looking at videos telling me what I’m supposed to do to get over it. I remember someone had told me Drake had the coronavirus and my response was, ‘Drake can’t be sicker than me!’”

Speaking of the initiative of creating a vaccine to cure the disease, Kanye tags it devilish and he’s extra careful.

“It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralysed … So when they say the way we’re going to fix Covid is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious.”

“That’s the mark of the beast. They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the Gates of Heaven. I’m sorry when I say they, the humans that have the Devil inside them.”

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