
5 weird ways to make your crush fall in love with you



We’ve all been in the position of drooling over someone, who doesn’t pay attention to us. Friend-zoned or not, we often get starstruck the moment our crush looks at us, resulting in an inability to do something about our deepest desires.

We often seek help from relationship gurus, books, videos and even seminar, yet we get even more lost in the process, resulting in a depressive state of yearning. However, do not be worried, has we’av got your back.

Here are the 5 weirdest ways you can make your crush fall in love with you:

1. Ignore them

It’s scientifically proven that the more a person thinks about something, the stronger the synapses in their brains are, resulting in an deep attachment. A common mistake, when flirting with someone, is to go straight to them and try to get them on your side. This won’t work. Make sure to be the ‘mysterious’ type. Present yourself in the spotlight, make sure your crush notices you, but ignore them at all cost. Slowly, but surely, their interest will grow and ultimately lead to your dreams becoming a reality.

2. Be the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend to their best friend

Does your crush have a best friend? Would it be easier for you to win them over? Do so! And make sure to be the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend for a couple of months. Best friends share everything, plus your crush will start to get jealous enough, for you to become ‘the one’ in their heart.

3. Hygiene

Make sure you shower regularly even if you don’t do it often, make sure to be clean and well groomed for your crush. Whether a boy or a girl, no one likes a unhygienic mess. Buy all the hygiene products you can, and start shining.

4. Encourage them to think of you

Similar to the ‘Ignore them’ tip, this one focuses on the way our brain works. The more you encourage someone to think of you, the higher the chance of them falling in love with you. That being said, whether through a game, or puzzle you present them every day, or just by saying ‘hi’ every now and then – by making your crush think of you, you’ll have better chances at winning them over.

5. Think strategically

If you want to attract your crush, you should start thinking strategically. Plan your actions in advance and always act with confidence – you won’t make your crush fall in love with you just by standing there and looking at them.

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