
Weight loss: 8 filling foods you can eat without putting on



Are you someone trying to lose weight but melt at the sight of your favourite cookie? One of the biggest culprits that hamper your plans to lose weight is not eating the right foods.

In order to lose all the extra weight, you have to give up on certain foods and incorporate healthy eating options.

The key to losing weight is eating the right foods. If you’re confused which ones to eliminate, and which foods to include, then keep reading.

Even if you are crazy about keeping your weight in check, there will still be times when you would want to eat some foods without limitations.

But there is good news – there are some foods you can eat without worrying about putting on extra kilos. In the end, it is all about choosing the right foods.

Here are eight foods you can eat without gaining weight:

1. Whole eggs 

Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids, meaning it is highly nutritious. Several studies have shown that people who ate eggs for breakfast were more satiated and ate less for up to 36 hours.

2. Oatmeal 

Oatmeal is high in fibre and soaks up water, which makes you feel full for longer. Since oats are a good source of soluble fibre, it can help slow down digestion and will also suppress appetite by making you feel satiated.

3. Legumes 

Legumes are an excellent source of fibre and protein, which makes them a filling food. They are beneficial for those who are looking for ways to lose weight as they are low in calories.

4. Apple 

An apple a day keeps the weight away. They are high in water and soluble fibre but low in calories. Eating a whole apple will make you feel satiated without adding extra calories. It will also contribute to weight loss.

5. Citrus Fruits 

Due to their high-water content, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are weight loss-friendly foods. They are also rich in pectin, which helps slow down digestion and increase satiety, which in turn can help lose weight.

6. Lean meats 

Eating lean meats can lower your overall calorie intake as they are high in protein and very filling.

7. Vegetables

Veggies are your allies in the fight against excess weight. They are high in water and fibre, which may keep you full for longer. You can prepare low-calorie salads and lower your calorie intake.

8. Popcorn 

If you don’t mind having popcorn without adding a lot of fat to it like butter and sugar, then you can eat it without fear. Popcorn is a whole grain and contains more fibre than any other popular snack out there.

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