
7 values in life that will lead you to true happiness and success



Happiness and success are things we naturally long for, so the thought of having as much of both as possible is exciting.

The good news is, we can all maximize our happiness and success by tapping into our values in life, your values in life directly impact the amount of happiness and success you create in your life.

Below is a list of some of the most important values in life that will allow you to maximize how much of both you create.

Here are 5 values to live by:

1. Seek growth over perfection

You’ve heard it said before, that there is no such thing as perfection. Well, there’s a reason people say it so much – because it’s true.

One of the biggest things that hold people back from achieving greater levels of happiness and success is their desire for perfection. But here’s a fun fact for you: seeking perfection is just another form of procrastination. Oftentimes, our pursuit of perfection is rooted in our fear of judgment from others.

When growth becomes the standard, your definition of success will change, and you’ll start to experience more of it.

2. There’s no such thing as failure

Happiness and success are seemingly the opposite of failure. But what if failure didn’t exist? While that may initially seem like a stretch, it really possible for failure not to exist in your life.

A big separator between highly successful people and unsuccessful ones is that people who achieve at higher levels tend to be better at reframing failure.

If you find yourself constantly fearing failure, learn to reframe it, and you’ll notice immediate increases in your levels of happiness and success.

3. Success is subjective

One of the greatest values in life is learning that success is supposed to be subjective – meaning that it is what you make it to be. One of the greatest causes of self-loathing and lack of fulfillment is chasing the wrong definition of success.

We have fallen into a pattern of believing that there is some standard definition of what “success” means, which is typically financially focused. Therefore, it becomes very easy for us to fall victim to comparison, thinking that someone else is more successful than we are, simply because they are outperforming us on this standard scale.

If you want a sure-fire way to achieve more happiness and success, learn to start writing your own definitions of what both happiness and success mean to you, and pursue them.

4. Patience really is a virtue

We want it all, and we want it now. Patience doesn’t mean just sitting around and waiting for success and happiness to find you. High achievers take massive amounts of action to achieve the successes they desire.

But the joy really is in the journey, and patience is a necessary part of crafting a life you love. When you mix patience with calculated action, you set yourself up for great amounts of happiness and success.

5. Keep your circle small

In many areas of life, the old wisdom quality over quantity is true. Your circle of influence is definitely one of those areas.

So, if you want more happiness and success in your life, you have to surround yourself with people who are happy and successful. Oftentimes, we allow people who value different things than us into our lives, and it negatively impacts our results.

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