
7 signs of low self-esteem in a woman that can sabotage your life



Low self-esteem is a lack of belief in yourself and that can be for one aspect of your life. Someone may be full of confidence at work but second guess themselves when it comes to relationships or vice versa.

Think back to your awkward years, perhaps in grade school. Maybe you had braces, bad skin, wore your sibling’s old clothes. That time period may be something you look back on and see your low self-esteem waving like a flag. But as you mature, low self-esteem becomes a bit more difficult to spot.

Identifying low self-esteem in a woman can be difficult. We are taught not to show it, and it can actually come off as if we are conceited rather than struggling with our self-confidence.

No matter if you are a teenager, young adult, or in your forties or fifties, we all face issues with self-esteem. Here are the signs below:

1. A need for attention

Many women with low self-esteem crave attention in any way they can. That can be through the affection of men, stealing someone’s ideas at work, or crying at every office party.

I know it sounds bad. Low self-esteem can lead to very neurotic behavior that is hard to describe. You may think someone who doesn’t think highly of themselves would simply change. It is not so easy. 

2. A pessimistic attitude

Some women with low self-esteem will crave attention. Others will dwell on the negatives of every situation. Instead of looking at the bright side they will always consider the worst possible outcome.

They will go into a date thinking it will end badly. Or they have a negative attitude towards an interviewer because they doubt they have a chance at the job they want, and they will likely try to bring you down with them.

3 A lack of drive

Many women with high self-esteem always have new goals to reach. They graduate college, head to grad school, land a great job, but in a few years, their eyes are on a better one.

Someone with low self-esteem may stay in a low-paying job beneath their abilities simply because they don’t have the guts or belief that they can do more.

4 A follower’s attitude

A sign of low self-esteem in a woman is following. A woman with low self-esteem may struggle to make her own choices. She will shop based on what someone she looks up to is wearing.

She will mimic others to try to better herself rather than owning who she is.

5 Self-sabotage

Low self-esteem is a tricky thing. It sounds easy to follow the direction your life is headed and appreciate any good things that come along. But someone with low self-esteem may unintentionally sabotage their own happiness.

A woman with low self-esteem may subconsciously be afraid that her partner will leave her. So instead of talking to him about it or even looking at the facts, she may cause a fight or break up with him before he can hurt her.

6. Blame 

Those with low self-esteem do not always realize that is what they are struggling with. In fact, they may be in denial. Instead, they blame others for any struggles in their life.

They may blame their parents for not having a better education, their spouse for their happiness, their kids for their career, etc.

7. Bullying

The sucker of all signs of low self-esteem in a woman, bullying. Sometimes high school never ends. Some women struggling with self-esteem issues take it out on others.

It could be women they are jealous of, women they see themselves in, or really anyone they feel they can get away with putting down.

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