
8 common daily habits that trigger acne



Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.

If you suffer from teen acne or adult acne, the result is the same. You feel embarrassed of your skin, and you may even feel as though you don’t look like your normal self.

Most people think they know the basics when it comes to treating and preventing acne, but there are a number of bad habits that could be secretly making your acne worse.

Here are 8 bad habits that trigger your acne:

1. Anxiety and stress

People who constantly worry about everything normally suffer from acne. They undertake too much mental or physical pressure that releases hormones into the body, which then prompts the sebaceous cells to secrete oil that later transforms into pimples. If you want a flawless face, try to be calm when you’re going through difficult times.

2. Bad sleeping routines

A good 8 hours of sleep will re-energize it to ensure healthier skin. However, you have to sleep on clean pillows free from germs, oils, sweat, and hair product residue that you carry throughout the day if you want a smooth skin.

3. Incessant facial contact

Some people can’t resist picking at zits and scabs which traumatizes their skin, plus it exposes you to the bacteria on your fingers. Buy a stress ball or fidget spinner to keep your hands busy.

4. Lack of hydration

Some people are always caught up in their work that they forget to stay hydrated which causes skin conditions such as acne. For a smooth skin, one must take the daily water requirements. Drink more Water. If not that, then look into a supplement that can boost your body’s hydration levels.

5. Overexposure to sunlight

People who make their daily income by selling on the streets and roadsides should invest in a good sunscreen because too much sun exposure generates sweat and makes skin more prone to blemishes.

6. Not showering after workouts

To promote your personal hygiene, keep a towel in your locker at the gym and shower thoroughly after every session. All that dirt and sweat trapped on your body, along with the friction of sticky clothes creates a cesspool of bacteria that stimulates breakouts.

7. Smoking

Enjoying a cigarette more than often leads to acne and premature aging. The amount of oxygen your skin needs to remain supple starts to decrease and dries it out, increasing oil production. And that could be the least of worries for smokers. Need we remind you of the cancerous effects linked to the habit?

8. Taking certain medications

Certain drugs can affect the hormone levels in your body and cause acne-like eruptions. Always consult your physician when dealing with prescribed medications.

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