
7 easy home remedies to soothe your skin after bleaching



The moment we step out, we greet the air full of dirt and dust along with the scorching sun and its harmful rays.

Tanning and blackheads force us to take desperate measures and we end up bleaching our skin. Sure, it is a quick fix for our problems, but it causes our skin a lot of damage.

If you are someone who bleaches regularly or has suffered burns and rashes because of it, here are some home remedies to soothe your skin after bleaching:

1. Cooling agents like raw milk and ice cubes

After a session of bleaching, your skin does feel cleaner and fairer, but it seems a little burnt too. Thus, the first thing that you should focus on is to soothe it using some cooling agents. Cold raw milk and ice cubes are good for the same. You can rub ice cubes on the bleached area or keep cold milk-soaked cotton pads on it. It will provide you with the much-needed relief.

2. Aloe vera massage

Cut a stem of aloe vera and extract its gel. Massage it on your face and let it stay there for 4-5 minutes. Aloe vera has a cooling effect and it will render its cooling properties to your skin as well. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic too.

3. Coconut water toner

If bleaching has caused you some skin burn, you can find solace in coconut water. Drink as much as you want to, as it will keep you hydrated from the inside. Also, use it as a toner and a face cleanser for a while. It will calm your skin and restore its suppleness with its minerals and vitamins.

4. Sandalwood pack

Using sandalwood to soothe skin has been one of the most commonly used techniques. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties help you incredibly with the bleach rashes. Just mix some sandalwood powder with rose water or milk and apply it on the bleached surface. Its cooling effect is a blessing.

5. Potato skin

Use potato skin to heal your skin! It is cool, hydrating and refreshing. Its anti-inflammatory properties and strong healing power can help your bleached skin recover in a short period. Cover the bleached area with some potato skin for about 10-12 minutes twice a day and you will see the results.

6. Turmeric and yogurt

We cannot even count how many times we have heard our mothers and grandmothers telling us about the benefits of turmeric. It can heal a person from inside out. If you want to soothe your bleached skin, apply some turmeric mixed with yogurt on it. Nothing beats it!

7. Lavender oil

If bleaching has caused rashes to your skin, lavender oil will be very effective for that. It’s antiseptic property helps your skin to recover faster without leaving any scars. Apply lavender oil on your skin using cotton and your skin will get better.

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