Tiger nuts, also known as chufa, yellow nutsedge or earth almonds, are not actually nuts, but rather edible tubers.

They’re the size of a chickpea but wrinkly with a chewy texture and sweet nutty flavor similar to coconut. Tiger nuts were one of the first plants cultivated in Egypt and traditionally used as both food and medicine.

They’re rich in a variety of nutrients and have been linked to several health benefits — ranging from better digestion to a reduced risk of heart disease.

Here are 5 impressive health benefits of tiger nuts:

1. Rich In fibre

Tiger Nuts are packed with high fibre content – around 33%, which is indeed a considerable amount.

2. Rich in vitamins E and C

Recent studies suggest that tiger nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C and E and potassium and phosphorus. Yoghurt made by mixing cow’s milk with tiger nut milk has been found to be exceptionally high in these vitamins and other nutrients.

3. Good source of magnesium

Recent studies have revealed that 100g flour of tiger nuts contains between 13 to 17 percent of magnesium, which helps to promote normal nerve and muscle function, regulates sugar, maintains blood pressure levels to normalcy, strengthen bones, process protein and keep you healthy.

4. Protects against cardiovascular disease

Vitamin E acts as a catchall reference for different fat-soluble compounds that are rich in antioxidant qualities. Since tiger nuts are rich in vitamin E, all these qualities are present in tiger nut milk and tiger nut flour.

5. Potassium booster

Tiger nuts are rich in potassium which is one of the few essential minerals that contribute to the proper functioning of the cell and body organs, especially the heart. Potassium is essential to maintain proper regulation of muscle contraction, digestive functions and to control the blood pressure levels.