
5 incredible health benefits of Fava beans



Fava beans — or broad beans — are green legumes that come in pods.

They have a slightly sweet, earthy flavor and are eaten by people all over the world.

Fava beans are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. They’re thought to offer impressive health effects, such as improved motor function and immunity.

Here are 5 health benefits of fava beans:

1. Fava beans help manage parkinson’s

Fava beans are rich in L-dopa, which your body converts to dopamine. Since parkinson’s disease is characterized by low dopamine levels, eating fava beans may help with symptoms. Still, more research on this topic is needed.

2. Promote heart health

The magnesium in fava beans has a role to play here. The nutrient can lower blood pressure levels, which is one major cause of heart disease today. And the fiber in fava beans also helps – the soluble fiber in the beans helps lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

3. Provide energy

B vitamins are important for energy metabolism, and folate plays a crucial role in this aspect. The beans are also a good source of iron, which is essential for our body to produce red blood cells and its energy currency, ATP (adenosine triphosphate). We all know the fatigue iron deficiency can cause.

The fiber in the beans can also fill you up quickly. This means it leads to a gradual increase in blood sugar levels, offering a steady supply of energy.

4. Prevent osteoporosis

Another nutrient in fava beans is manganese. Manganese increases bone mass, prevents osteoporosis, and helps reduce calcium deficiency.

Including manganese in the diet can also prevent arthritis.

5. Fava beans boost immunity

The copper in fava beans helps maintain healthy white blood cells. These blood cells destroy pathogens and eliminate free radicals from your system.

It is important to know that the body cannot produce white blood cells on its own. And this is why you need copper. Without white blood cells, your body becomes susceptible to infection and illness, which is why copper is critical to maintain strong immunity.