
7 things to know before you start working from home



After you’ve finally got your employer allow you to work from home or you’ve found your dream job, it can be a little bit challenging to start working from home.

Working from home seems like the best way to earn money without exhausting commutes, annoying gossips and nagging bosses.

Now come down to earth because accomplishing your projects at home isn’t heaven. It can be a real hell at times.

Statistics show that people who work from home have a tendency to overwork, which means they work more and have the same paycheck each month. Moreover, they have many more health issues and relationship problems.

When working from home, it’s almost impossible to find balance between your personal life and work life.

You may start facing tons of problems, including anxiety and depression, in a while because even the most productive people sometimes can’t stay super productive when they have a bad day.

Unless you live alone, you will have to cope with numerous household issues and think how to do your job till 5. Here’s what you should know before you start working from home:

1. Home office

It’s important that you have your own little office at home. This will be the place for your work only so make sure you leave it at the end of the day. If you have a family or you live with your parents, your home office will remind them that you don’t spend your time watching the Vampire Diaries, you do your job and need that silence during the day.

2. Discipline is still important

Just because your boss doesn’t see you doesn’t mean you are allowed to do whatever you want. Remember, they check your job and they will definitely see when you ignore the working day. Teach yourself to work when you must work and to have a lunch when it’s time for it. Otherwise, you productivity will drop in time and you can either lose your position or get back to the office. Make sure you don’t sleep in. They will notice it too.

3. No guilt

Okay, let’s be honest. When we think about people working from home, we imagine them spending the whole day in their pajamas, eating sweets and watching TV or washing dishes. Maybe it’s partially true, but most work even more at home than in the office. Why? Because they think that their boss and coworkers think exactly like I said above. Don’t feel guilty for working from home. You can switch off your phone and laptop once your working day is over. You have a private life too, don’t forget about it.

4. Snack time

Snacking in the office can lead to weight gain. We all know it. However, snacking at home can lead to shockingly fast weight gain and eating disorders. When your fridge is close to you, it’s tempting to indulge in your favorite ice cream. Don’t do it for the sake of your waistline. Prepare some healthy snacks in advance to avoid reaching for packaged foods.

5. Breaks

When working from home, you shouldn’t forget about short breaks. Give your mind and body to relax every hour. Take 2 minutes to drink a cup of herbal tea, play with your pet or meditate. Short breaks will help to boost your productivity and ward off some serious health issues, including back pain.

6. Exercise

People who work from home move less than those who have to go to work each morning. When working in the office, you take stairs, go to your coworker or do some errands that require move. When working from home, though, you wake up and go to your home office or even grab your laptop and stay in bed. Kitchen and bathroom are your next destinations, but how often do you visit them? Exercise is needed to prevent serious diseases that a sedentary life causes.

7. Distractions

People who work in busy offices with constant interruptions and noisy coworkers may see working from home as a great chance to focus on their job and do more, but unfortunately, you can face many distractions at home too. Your kids, pets, television, parents, husband, neighbors and other people who decide to visit you during the day because they know that you are always home, can reduce your productivity and mess up your working day. Get rid of distractions and let everyone know when you work and when you have free time.

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