
10 things selfish people do in a relationship



Selfishness in a relationship can really spoil the romance in it.

A selfish person does not only takes things for granted but over time starts acting like an inconsiderate prick who is not just unconcerned about the relationship.

They also don’t take into account the fact that the relationship means so much to the other person who is giving their all.

Here are 10 things selfish people do in a relationship:

1. My way or highway

The selfish person in a relationship does not believe there is any other choice than what they consider feasible. For them it is only the way they want things to happen. For them the other person’s opinion basically doesn’t matter at all.

2. Not listening to partner’s opinion

Listening to your partner’s opinion and not following it is one thing and not listening to them at all is another. Most selfish people in a relationship just don’t listen to their partner, left alone following their opinion.

3. They are not up for accountability

Selfish people in a relationship are never up for any sort of accountability. Since for them, there always on the right, any mistake that occurs is because of the other person, even though they didn’t involve them in the decision making process.

4. They expect their partners to change

One of the most selfish things to do in a relationship is to expect your partner to change. Rather than making changes in their own demeanor, these people want their partners to change for the better or worse based on their orders.

5. Putting your needs above

A selfish person in a relationship always puts their own needs above those of their partner. To maintain a healthy relation it is important that you account for your partner’s needs as well as taking into consideration your own.

6. Want to be in control

Any relation that has one member always wanting to be in control is bound to be a failure. The best part or way to look at it is to develop a method where both of you have equal control. If anyone wants to practice control, they are probably selfish and overly dominant.

7. Rarely happy for partner

Selfish people in a relationship while do celebrate their own successes and happiness, rarely account for their partner’s happiness or success. These people are not happy for their partner’s and only want happiness to come in their life.

8. They don’t try that much

A person being selfish in a relationship would not give their 100 per cent in a relationship. In fact, they would expect all the progress to be made by the other person without them having to even flex a muscle.

9. Taking partner for granted

A person being selfish in a relationship would expect the other person to never leave. They would want the relation to linger on as it is currently doing without any ups and downs whatsoever. Taking your partner for granted is really selfish.

10. Never giving back

Taking everything they can from their partner and giving nothing back in return is the identity of a selfish person. They wouldn’t return any of your favors and would just keep taking advantage of you and your presence.

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