
7 essential flirting tips every guy needs to know!



Most women want guys to approach them and flirt with them. At the same time, they are sick of so many guys approaching them.

If this seems contradictory, that’s because most men do it wrong. They are either disrespectful to the women, or they are too cocky and egotistical.

Don’t confuse what these guys do with gentlemanly flirting. There’s a big difference between shouting “hey baby” or trying a dirty pickup line, and striking up a conversation.

Treat a woman with respect, and she’ll be much more open to getting to know you better. It’s pretty logical and easy to understand, yet somehow most guys don’t get it.

Below are 7 essential flirting tips every guy needs to know:

1. Eye contact is a must!

The best way to know that your girl of dreams is interested in you is by the way you look at her and how she responds your gesture. Don’t stare too long, it shouldn’t get over the top. Keep it subtle. And after few meetings, you should start talking too. Just ogling won’t help.

2. You need to be in the game to get the most out of it!

Most of the guys feel shy while approaching a girl. Mainly there is a fear of rejection. It’s important to learn to overcome it. If you try and approach a girl in a respectful manner, then there are less chances of rejection. You need to build up that courage to go for it. Don’t get offended if she’s not that interested in you. She might have had a bad time period or a bad mood. Even if you get rejected, be polite about it just like gentlemen are. They don’t get any bitter and rude.

3. You should learn to listen!

When a girl actually speaks to you about things, she expects your full attention. The biggest mistake that guys tend to make is when they talk to a girl too much and don’t give her the chance to speak. Show interest in her, and ask her questions. Afterwards, try to ask her questions in reference to what she was talking earlier, so that she knows well that you were listening to her with full concentration.

4. The good way!

After having enough of exchanging smiles or repeated eyes contacts, now it’s the time to make your way to act. It’s not such a big deal. You just need to be realistic and make your way.

5. Show that you are interested!

This is one of the most important part of flirting, but usually the one in which guys go wrong. It’s not just about listening to her, you need stay engaged and completely committed. Try to avoid other things while you are with her, stay focused with her and she’ll be focused on you.

6. Humor is always accepted!

Humor will allow you to make the conversations go forward. It will also help you two to open up well. Keep the jokes mild and not too creepy.

7. Be initiative!

Get your initiative mode on when you are there to decide a date or any other plan. Don’t always ask her for a date. Have your stand and take her to a place nobody can think of taking her. Be innovative in planning a perfect date for her. Picking a place which is different will always work as a good move.

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