
6 effective home remedies to get rid of Nausea



Feeling nauseated is not a very pleasant experience. The uneasy nauseous feeling and vomiting sensation can spoil your mood and make you want to stay in bed for the entire day.

Whether you are feeling nauseated because you are pregnant, traveling or due to acid reflux, all the situations are equally difficult to handle.

It is more embarrassing when you are outdoor. To avoid this situation, here are 6 common home remedies that you can try for relief:

1. Ginger

Ginger is an Indian spice found in every household. It is a common home remedy for treating symptoms of nausea, vomiting and other stomach related ailments. You can chew a small piece of fresh ginger or use in cooking or drink ginger tea. Mostly, ginger consumption is safe, but you should not overdo it.

2. Lemon

The refreshing taste of lemon works miraculously when feeling nauseated. Lemon juice contains neutralizing acids, which form bicarbonate compounds that help to relieve nausea. Add lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water, stir it well and then drink it for relief.

3. Peppermint oil

Smelling peppermint essential oil also helps to reduce nausea. As per a study, peppermint aromatherapy is effective in reducing nausea by 75 per cent in all the cases. You can rub a few drops of peppermint essential oil on your hand and then smell it. Smelling peppermint oil is safe.

4. Spices

Some spices used to prepare Indian cuisine are also used to reduce the symptoms of nausea. Fennel powder, cinnamon powder and cumin extract are the common spices used for treating nausea and vomiting. You can make a tea of these spices for benefits.

5. Cardamom

Chewing cardamom is another common and effective remedy to treat nausea and vomiting. Whenever you start feeling uneasy, take one or two cardamom pods in your mouth and slowly chew it. It will help to soothe the vomiting sensation.

6. Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking soda is a natural remedy to get rid of nausea. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water, stir it properly and drink it for relief. Baking soda changes the pH of the acids in the stomach and suppresses the pukish feeling.