
9 telltale signs you’ve found your Mr. Right



Everyone wants to find that perfect mate—a lifetime partner who will complement you and share your world.

And while you might, perhaps rightly, say there is no perfect mate, there certainly is a right mate.

If you are in relationship with a man and want to know if he’s a keeper, there are some solid signals you can look out for that tell if he’s Mr. Right or not.

Here’s a list of them below:

1. The physical chemistry between you two is palpable

So much so that other people comment how great you are together. There is no guessing or wondering if the electricity between you is real. Just holding hands fills your heart with joy, even after many years of being together.

2. He takes a genuine interest in your life

He asks you all about your hopes and dreams and even wants to know how your day was. He does that because he is keen and genuinely happy to be a part of your life. And you are comfortable telling him everything because you trust him and know he has your best interest at heart.

3. He makes you feel loved, treasured and secure

He tells you regularly that he loves you and, through his acts of love like taking you out for a romantic dinner or cooking you a meal at home, you know it’s true. You feel he is your “home.” And “home” is the person or place you always want to return to.

4. He gives you space

He has no desire to control you in any way. He lets you wear what you want, pursue your other interests and just hang out with your friends and have a good time in peace. That’s because he understands the value of me-time and also expects you to give him some space too.

5. He remembers tiny details about you

Like secret fetishes and how you still chew your nails when you’re nervous, as well as important milestones in your relationship like anniversaries and birthdays. He pretty much remembers everything you’ve ever told him about yourself and cherishes the memories you share together.

6. He makes you laugh!

He actually has a knack for making you laugh so hard that your ribs hurt. And there is a lot of random dancing, singing and way too many inside jokes that others don’t even understand that goes on between you two. You always have a good time when you are with him.

7. He doesn’t keep secrets from you

He is completely honest with you, even on sensitive topics like telling you that his ex called him. That’s because he trusts you. He trusts and loves you so much that he would not deliberately cheat, deceive or betray you in any way. And you trust him too in equal measure.

8. He has similar overall goals

While you may not agree on every little thing, you’re on the same page where it matters. For example, you want the same things long-term like a house in the country, a few kids or travel to different places around the world. Your overall goals, ambitions, virtues and values match.

9. He fights fair

He never results to violence or abuse of any kind in the relationship. That means you can tell him directly what’s on your mind without fear he will result to hurtful name calling or physical abuse. He can criticize and correct you too without you misunderstanding the intention behind it.