
7 good reasons to spend time apart from your partner



When you first start dating your dream partner, you’re all over each other.

It makes sense, but space in a relationship is literally one of the most important things you can ask for, especially if you think this guy might be marriage material.

It might sound a little counterproductive, but here are some points you’re probably not thinking about right now.

1. You’ll be keeping your other relationships healthy

Don’t be the girl who stops participating in the group chat because you have a boyfriend now. Your friends are still as important as ever. They may feel a little hurt if you abandoned them for someone else, especially since they’ll be the ones who’ll be there for you if your relationship doesn’t work out. They’ll also be the ones who will keep you sane after the two of you get into your first big fight. Treat them with a little respect and make sure you plan a lot of fun, guy-free hangouts with them.

2. You’ll remember how good it feels to be independent

You don’t need a guy to live your life. Sure, it’s nice when you landed a great partner, but you’re a strong woman who can also figure it out on her own. The bad part about latching yourself onto a guy and not giving yourself space is that you can sometimes forget that. The more you go out solo, the less you’ll have to remind yourself how to be alone.

3. It can be therapeutic

There’s a reason why relaxation usually focuses on deep breaths, dim lights, and minimal conversation. Even if you’re not meditating during your time apart (although it’s worth a try), it’s just nice to be able to retreat to a quiet space by yourself to recharge without feeling guilty. You won’t abandon your partner with time alone.

4. It’s healthier for your relationship

It’s important for couples to have a breakdown of time that’s dedicated towards the couple, and towards the individual. Even if you just take a solo walk around the block, it’s something.

5. You’ll be able to have time to work on your own projects

The last thing you need is a guy who’s so clingy that he makes you feel bad about pursuing your interests. You’re different people and shouldn’t be expected to like the same things. If you want to take a cooking class, and he’s not into it, it won’t be weird if you’ve already established a sense of space.

6. You’ll get more insight into other relationships

Sometimes you overlook problematic behavior in your own relationship since you’ve forgotten they’re not normal. Every relationship works a little differently. By being able to go out and explore, you’ll get a little more insight as to whether or not things are still going well with yours.

7. You’ll have better stories to tell

You don’t want to be the dull friend. Everyone has one. If every single story you have involves your partner or something funny your partner did, your friends might start subtly tuning you out, especially if they’re also friends with your partner and already heard the stories before.

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