
9 amazing health benefits of carrot seed oil



Carrot seed essential oil is extracted by steam distillation, primarily from the dried seeds of wild carrot (Daucus carota) and also from the dried plant itself.

Carrot seed oil is sometimes confused with carrot oil, which is made from a mixture of crushed carrot roots immersed in a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil. Carrot oil isn’t an essential oil, however.

This essential oil has shown antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It is also rich in carotene and vitamin A, both of which are very beneficial for the eyes and are effective antioxidants.

Let’s explore more of the impressive health benefits of this essential oil below.

1. Antioxidant properties

Carrot seed essential oil can help you retain your youth. Antioxidants in this essential oil repair the damages done to your tissues by oxidants (free radicals) and stop them from doing further harm. These antioxidants protect your skin from wrinkles, keep your hair from turning white, your joints from stiffening, your muscles from weakening and your eyesight from declining.

2. Treats infections

This powerful essential oil can treat infections and protect against their effects, according to a research study. It has antiseptic properties, including its ability to prevent tetanus. Carrot seed oil can be used for the treatment of infections on the skin and in open wounds. When ingested, it effectively helps to treat infections of the throat, mouth, colon, stomach, intestines and urinary system. It is extremely effective in treating sores, gangrene, psoriasis, ulcers, rashes, carbuncles, and other such problems.

3. Detoxifies the body

Carrot seed oil has the ability to detoxify the blood, tissues, muscles, and internal organs like the liver and kidneys. It can also neutralize excess bile secreted by the liver and cure infections in cases of jaundice. It eliminates toxins like uric acid from the blood, tissues, muscles, and joints, thereby helping to treat and slow the progression of edema, arthritis, gout, and rheumatism. 

4. Expels gases

Do you feel like you’re ballooning up from all of the gas that you’ve accumulated in your system? If you’ve ever felt this way, then carrot seed oil can keep your feet firmly on the ground. It will help to expel gases from the intestines. You will probably feel so relaxed and light that you will think you can really fly!

5. Diuretic properties

Carrot seed oil is diuretic in nature, meaning that it increases urination. It may seem that there is no apparent benefit of this property, but you will be surprised to see that urination alone can keep you safe from many ailments. Each time you urinate, fat (almost 4% of the volume), toxic substances like uric acid and bile, and microbes that cause infections in the urinary system and otherwise, are removed from the body with urine. Furthermore, it reduces blood pressure and cleans the kidneys. It is also helpful in clearing out the renal calculi.

6. Emmenagogue

When something is an emmenagogue, it means it eases the process of menstruation, making it less painful and more regular. This particularly helps when someone is suffering from irregular or obstructed menses.

7. Stimulant

We all know the meaning of a stimulant, and carrot seed oil delivers in this way as well. It stimulates both circulation and metabolic function. It also stimulates the secretion of hormones, enzymes, gastric juices, bile, and the peristaltic motion of the intestines, thus keeping all the organic systems active and efficient. It also stimulates brain functions and nerves, thus making you more alert and active.

8. Eliminates worms

Carrot seed oil can kill, but not you, don’t worry. More specifically, it can eliminate the worms in your intestines. It can help children get rid of this annoying problem, which can result in malnutrition and other harmful conditions.

9. Acts as tonic

Something that tones the body is a tonic and carrot seed oil definitely falls into this category. It tones up tissues and muscles and increases their efficiency; it tones the liver, stomach, and the flow of digestive juices, thus bringing the entire digestive system to normalcy. It also tones the skin and prevents it from hanging loose or showing signs of aging.