
5 reasons why milk is known as a powerhouse beverage



We all consume milk but a large portion of the population consumes pasteurized milk which may not be very nutritious, hence nowadays we see a lot of people changing their choice of consuming milk to dairy products.

Now, a considerable chunk of consumers have stopped consuming milk because they don’t like the taste of milk, or are lactose intolerant, or maybe on a certain diet.

However, a lot of nutritionists say that consuming milk has a lot of health benefits and one should try and include dairy products in their diets.

Milk contains valuable nutrients that help support a growing body, including calcium and protein.

Drinking milk has several significant benefits that are often overlooked. Here are 5 reasons why milk nutrition and quality is important.

1. Nutrients

If one cant eat all their nutrients they can certainly drink them! Milk contains essential nutrients that our body needs. This white drink is the powerhouse of 9 essential nutrients: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, high-quality protein, vitamins A, D, and B12, riboflavin, and niacin.

2. Digest

A lot of people complain about food not being digested and causing digestion-related problems. Milk solves this problem as it’s easy for the stomach to digest at the same time it acts as a wholesome food for one. A2 Milk is a great option people could look at switching to, especially people who face digestion issues.

3. Protein

Milk is not only rich in nutrients but in proteins too. A glass of milk contains 8g of protein. These proteins are important for the human body as they help retain our muscles and tissues and keep them in working order. Milk contains a protein called Beta casein which is important for growth. There are 2 types of Beta Casein- A1 and A2. The A2 milk contains A2 beta-casein which is similar to mother’s milk and is beneficial in the growth of your body.

4. Fight diseases

Over the years, people have been saying an apple a day keeps a doctor away which is true but a glass of milk a day can reduce the risk of contracting diseases. Researchers have discovered that milk helps in reducing the risk factor of having multiple diseases. Like it reduces the risk of having strokes and high blood pressure. Lactose present in the milk helps in reducing the production of cholesterol in your liver.

5. Stress buster

As we know milk is a great source of vitamins and minerals. So, having a glass of milk after a long day can make you feel calm and allows your muscles and nerves to relax. This rich in protein beverage can be paired with other ingredients to be a part of your healthy diet.

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