
How to create a truly equal relationship with your partner



Equality in a relationship doesn’t mean that everyone earns exactly half of the income.

It doesn’t mean that you do the dishes the same amount of times he does each week. In reality, an equal relationship means that each of you contributes a fair amount and that all contributions have value.

Do you want to build more equality in your relationship? Here are some helpful tips.

1. Start by having a conversation about what equality means to you both

People can have different ideas about what equality in a relationship means. It’s important to be clear about that before you can start the process of developing a truly equal relationship. Talk about your vision of an equal relationship. How will it make you stronger as a couple? Is there any situation in which that c

2. Focus on respect

If there’s a lack of respect on the part of either partner, a truly equal relationship cannot exist. Respect means open communication but it also means listening without interruption. What are the boundaries in the relationship both as a couple and as individuals? They need to be respected. Speak kindly and support each other’s goals. Respect is basically giving your partner the same treatment that you expect to receive.

3. Make running your home a partnership

Household chores and money management are two of the topics that couples complain about when they talk about a lack of equality. Don’t expect that he will automatically do all the outside work because he is a man. Perhaps he would rather do dishes than mow the lawn. This is where communication comes in. As a couple, you need to work out all the tasks that have to be done in your home and decide who will do them.

4. Talk about making decisions

There are many decisions to make in a relationship. Do they need to be made together? What kinds of decisions can be made without talking about it with the other person? Are there certain factors that require consulting your partner, like money or in-laws? It’s important to know what your partner’s expectations are when it comes to making decisions. You should also have a plan for decisions where the two of you are divided about what you should do.