
6 surprising facts you didn’t know about oily skin



Does your face look shiny most of the time? Does your makeup easily slide off your face? Does your face get oily fast even after washing it?

Do pimples pop up left and right, or do you tend to have stubborn blackheads? If you said yes to some of these questions, you have oily skin type.

Oily skin is caused due to excessive sebum production; it can be hormonal or genetic.

Sebum is a substance which hydrates and moisturizes skin, and if you don’t treat your skin the pores can become clogged and enlarged, and dead cells will accumulate, which will cause, pimples, and other types of acne.

Genetic also plays an important role in the causes of oily skin; events like puberty or pregnancy can result in hormone fluctuations. Listed below are the facts about oily skin.

1. Over-washing is the worst thing you can do

The more you strip away oil, the oilier your skin will get, that squeaky clean feeling you get after washing your face is a definite no-no. The key is finding a balance, avoid harsh chemicals, stick to a gentle cleanser, and limit your face washing.

2. Use oil-based products rather than alcohol-based products

Alcohol-based products are known to dry up the skin; therefore, the use of such products will only result in more oil generation. It is advisable to use an oil-based cleanser instead; it will attract excess oil and impurities without ripping out your skin moisture.

3. It needs to be moisturized

If you have oily skin moisturizing will be the last thing in your mind but moisturizing your skin morning and night will keep the oil production in check. Make sure to stick to light, non-comedogenic formulas that will preserve the skin’s natural defense.

4. Hormonal imbalance and stress maybe the cause

Stages such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause may trigger your hormones, which can result in spiking and dipping of hormones. This results in the more production of oil; stress may also be the cause; cortisol will trigger a sequence of changes that will cause the oil glands to produce more.

5. Your lifestyle can play a major role

Your diet and exercise can have a tremendous impact on your skin. It is important to keep blood sugar level balanced as a spike in the hormone can cause the skin to produce excess oil. Trans fats foods should be avoided as it can cause inflammation in the body.

6. Oily skin is less prone to premature aging

Here’s positive thing, compared to dry skin, oily skin shows the sign of aging more slowly. Oily skin is better at holding in natural moisture more than dry skin. A high level of sebum can also help protect the skin against infection and strengthen the body’s antioxidants defense.

You may not enjoy your oily skin now, but with proper skin care, you will find benefits from the excess sebum your skin is producing.

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