
4 incredible health benefits of guava leaf tea



Fresh guava leaves contain antioxidants, antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties, and helpful tannins, therefore it is considered as a natural pain reliever.

The chemicals in guava leaves like carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids & tannins can be very effective in treating different diseases.

Here are some incredible benefits of guava leaf tea.

1. Lowers cholesterol level

According to research, if you drink guava leaf tea for three months then it can lead to a reduction in LDL / bad cholesterol & triglycerides without any bad effect on the good cholesterol. Also, the guava leaves are a great tonic for the liver.

2. Guava leaves for hair

Guava leaves are very rich in nutrients as well as antioxidants, thus help in promoting healthy hair growth. If you apply guava leaves on your hair it will make them soft and lustrous and also increase their volume.

3. Treats acne & black spots

Guava leaves are very useful for people with acne and black spots problem. It effectively removes acne and black spots from the skin. Guava leaves contain an antiseptic that kills acne-causing bacteria. All you need to do is mash or grind some guava leaves and apply it to your acne and dark spots. Do this for few days.

4. Aids in digestion

Guava leaf tea helps in digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. The strong antibacterial agents kill bacteria in the lining of the gut & stop the proliferation of toxic enzymes by bacteria. Guava leaves are mainly useful in case of food poisoning and soothing, vomiting & nausea. To ease stomach pain, just boil 6-7 pieces of guava leaves in 1.5 liters of water & drink twice or thrice a day.

Check out how to prepare guava leaves tea


  • Fresh guava leaves
  • ½ teaspoon normal tea leaves
  • 1 ½ cup of water
  • Honey or Jaggery


  1. Take 10 fresh guava leaves and wash the leaves thoroughly with tap water.
  2. Take a saucepan, pour 1 ½ cup of water and let it boil on a medium flame for 2 minutes.
  3. Then add washed guava leaves and let it boil for 5-minutes.
  4. Add ½ teaspoon normal tea leaves for colour and flavour.
  5. Boil for another 10 minutes and pour the water and filter to remove any piece of leaf.
  6. Lastly, add honey or jaggery as sweeteners.