
9 surprising health benefits of lotus root



Lotus root is an underwater root vegetable and it has a shape resembling a long squash. It can grow up to a length of 4 feet.

The lotus flower has been used for many years in many Asian countries and represents purity, sexual innocence and divine beauty.

Lotus root can be eaten raw, stir-fried, steamed, braised and sautéed and it is available throughout the year. It is rich in nutrients and has a lot of beneficial effects.

You can consume lotus root in different forms such as lotus root chips, tea, lotus root soup and lotus root powder which does not only sooth your taste buds but also offer many health benefits.

Health benefits of Lotus root

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Lotus Root.

1. Lotus root increase blood circulation

Consumption of lotus root gives you an energy boost as it regulates blood circulation. Proper circulation implies that all organs of the body are properly oxygenated. Lotus root is rich in copper and iron and stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

2. Lotus root helps to regulate blood pressure

Lotus root is rich in potassium which is a vasodilator. Potassium helps to maintain between the fluids in our body and even counteracts the effects of sodium. Potassium also helps to keep the blood vessels relaxed and increases blood flow by reducing the rigidity and contraction of blood vessels. This reduces the pressure on the cardiovascular system.

3. Lotus root helps in digestion

Lotus root has good content of dietary fiber. This dietary fiber adds bulk to the stool and facilitates its easy expulsion from the body. This ensures that we do not suffer from ailments like diarrhea and constipation. The rich fiber content present in Lotus root also helps to release the gastric juices which help to break down food and absorb the nutrients.

4. Lotus root strengthens body immunity power

Lotus root is rich in Vitamin C which is a really powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C tends to act against the free radicals in our body and thus protects us from various diseases like heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C present in Lotus root is also an integral part of collagen that helps to maintain the strength and rigidity of blood vessels, skin and organs.

5. Lotus root for mental health

Lotus root contains Vitamin B complex and pyridoxine is one of its components. Pyridoxine helps to regulate your mood and mental health in general by interacting with the neural receptors of the brain. Lotus root also helps to deal with other disorders like headaches, stress levels and irritability.

6. Lotus root for heart healthy

Lotus root has certain components that are really beneficial for our heart. It contains potassium, a vasodilator, and dietary fiber which help to remove the cholesterol from our blood. This lotus root vegetable also has pyridoxine which controls the homocysteine levels in the blood and helps to keep our hearts healthy.

7. Lotus root treats respiratory problems

Consumption of lotus root helps to cleanse the respiratory system and prevents us from contracting any respiratory disease. This vegetable helps to remove accumulated mucus and provides relief from cough. Lotus root juice also helps to treat illnesses like tubercolosis and asthma.

8. Presence of Vitamin A in Lotus root

Incorporating lotus root in your diet can prove to be beneficial for your skin, hair and eyes as it is rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A present in Lotus root has anti-oxidant properties and help prevent macular degeneration and ocular conditions and even helps to treat skin problems and inflammation.

9. Lotus root Helps to treat fungal infections and bleeding disorders

Intake of lotus root helps to deal with fungal infections like ringworm, smallpox and leprosy. Leaves of lotus root help to treat excessive sweating, fever, bleeding disorders, nosebleed and blood in urine.