
7 amazing health benefits of unripe plantain



Plantains also are known as platanos are the less-sweet, starchier equivalent to the banana.

They are an extremely important staple food for people and are very popular all over the world – almost always cooked before eating, unlike dessert banana.

There are many health benefits of unripe plantain. Many do not know it, but the medicinal benefits of unripe plantain are numerous.

Here is a list of the top benefits of unripe plantain to man.

1. It enriches the heart

Unripe plantain contains some amount of serotonin which dilates the arteries, improves blood flow and reduces homocysteine (a condition that causes coronary artery disease and stroke).

Its richness in potassium makes it heart friendly by preventing heart attack and hypertension through controlling heart rate and blood pressure in our body and cell. Also, its fibre content is great for reducing cholesterols level which reduces the risk of developing any heart diseases.

2. It can treat anaemia and neuritis

Its presence of vitamin B6 can help in curing neuritis (inflammation of the nerve), and anaemia: a medical condition where someone is having low red blood cells in the blood, which causes weakness.

With inclusive into meal plan and consumption, it can cure anaemia and neuritis and serves as a preventive measure.

3. It’s a great meal for weight loss and healthy eating

It’s relatively low in carbohydrates, with high fibre content, essential vitamins and minerals. When consuming with lots of vegetable soup and chicken, it makes a great weight loss and a healthy meal.

4. It helps with bowel movement.

Its richness in fibre makes bowel movement easier which also reduce constipation.

5. It makes a great meal for diabetic

Unripe plantain is very low in sugar compared to ripe or overripe plantain and this makes it a good choice for diabetes especially when added with other fibre and protein-rich food such as green vegetables. Thus, it makes a great choice for preventing diabetes.

6. It helps builds and strengthens stronger bones

Unripe Plantain is rich in calcium which is the essential mineral needed for stronger bones, muscles, nails and teeth. A healthy meal with unripe plantain inclusive will prevents diseases such as osteoporosis which involves the weakening of the bones and causes fractures.

7. It can prevent ulcer

Various studies conducted have shown that unripe plantain contains phytochemical properties such as leucocyanidin which can prevent ulcer.