
5 side effects of consuming too much yogurt



Yogurt contains a good amount of calcium. It helps protect against osteoporosis and helps maintain muscles.

It also helps to improve digestive health and boosts the immune system. So, does that mean you can go for a yogurt overdose? Is too much yogurt bad for you?

To answer these questions, we should first take a look at yogurt nutrition facts

Is too much yogurt harmful?

The biggest problem with yogurt doesn’t lie in its overconsumption, but with the toppings, flavorings, and additives used, as well as the excess processing of milk. Toppings like frozen and preserved blueberries, strawberries, or other fruits contain added sugars. Sometimes canned fruit pulp is added to the yogurt instead of fresh fruit. Also, it contains added colors and flavorings that are chemical-based. All these aspects differ with the brand.

Consuming yogurt in moderation is extremely healthy, and it should be a part of your daily diet. But, having too much of it may be harmful in terms of excess sugar, and it may cause allergies in certain people.

Side effects of too much yogurt

Here are five possible side effects of eating too much yogurt.

1. May cause kidney stones

The high amount of calcium from yogurt can make you prone to kidney stones or prostate cancer. Eating too much yogurt may also reduce the absorption of iron and zinc, which may result in calcium buildup in your blood vessels. However, this applies in the case of excess consumption over a period of time. Calcium is a necessary mineral we require for bone and teeth health, and much more. We get a good amount of calcium from milk and milk products including yogurt. A cup of whole milk plain yogurt contains 296 milligrams of calcium.

2. May cause cancer

According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a type of sugar called galactose, which is found in yogurt and produced from lactose, may cause ovarian cancer. A researcher also has found that a diet high in animal proteins may cause cancer. The basic ingredient for making yogurt is cow’s milk. Cows are given antibiotic medicines and hormones in their feed. One such hormone which increases the milk production in cows is recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH). Another hormone added to cattle feed is IGF-1. High levels of IGF-1 in the human body may cause breast and prostate cancer.

3. May interact with certain medications

Consuming yogurt along with certain antibiotics will decrease their effectiveness. For example, yogurt may decrease the amount of the ciprofloxacin antibiotic our bodies absorb. The same applies to tetracyclines as the calcium in yogurt binds with tetracyclines in the intestine. Consuming yogurt along with immunosuppressants may cause you to fall sick because these medications decrease our body’s immunity, making us susceptible to infections. Since yogurt mostly contains live bacteria and sometimes yeast, eating too much yogurt causes yeast infections.

4. May lead to weight gain

According to an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, having too much of yogurt can lead to increased weight. Sweeteners such as aspartame and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are added to yogurt. HFCS has a high glycemic index, which can spike the blood sugar. Aspartame contains methanol, which is toxic even if consumed in small doses. Also, commercially processed yogurt has flavorings and additives.

5. Impacts brain function

According to a study on women published in the journal Gastroenterology, consuming probiotic yogurt twice a day impacts brain function. The study showed that consuming probiotic yogurt reduced brain activity in the most critical regions. However, the study also showed stronger neural connectivity between the periaqueductal gray to the prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain helps in decision-making.

These are the side effects of consuming too much yogurt in adults. Read on to know the side effects of too much yogurt for your baby and young children.

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