
7 incredible health benefits of balsamic vinegar



Balsamic vinegar is a popular ingredient in salad dressings, marinades, and many other foods. It is has a distinctive flavor that is often described as bold, tart, and complex.

Some studies suggest that balsamic vinegar has additional health benefits, ranging from improving a person’s complexion to lowering cholesterol and aiding weight loss.

In this article, we look at the potential health benefits of balsamic vinegar and the scientific research that may give them weight.

The health benefits of balsamic vinegar may include the following:

1. Improving skin health

Balsamic vinegar contains antimicrobial compounds, acetic acid, and antioxidants. These components may help improve a person’s complexion over time.

Other clear vinegars have been topically applied to the skin to help clear up acne. Balsamic vinegar can cause stains, however, so should not be applied directly to the skin.

2. Reducing blood sugar

Balsamic vinegar helps regulate blood sugar when eaten as part of a meal. One review that examined the scientific effects of vinegar found that balsamic vinegar has an antiglycemic impact when consumed, meaning a person’s blood sugar will spike less drastically after a meal.

The review indicated that vinegar could help create a blood sugar plateau for a period of up to 5 hours following a meal.

3. Promoting healthy digestion

Acetic acid is the active compound in balsamic vinegar. This acid contains strains of probiotics that aid digestion.

The probiotics found in acetic acid can help promote good gut health and digestion while supporting overall immune function.

4. Lowering cholesterol

Balsamic vinegar may help lower cholesterol. The antioxidants in balsamic vinegar help block toxic cells in the body that can raise cholesterol levels.

According to one study, involving rabbits with high cholesterol, it is possible that consuming balsamic vinegar can help lower or maintain already low cholesterol levels.

5. Losing weight

The probiotics in balsamic vinegar can also help make a person feel full for longer.

Some research indicates that people may consume fewer calories throughout the day when they add vinegar to their morning meal.

6. Treating wounds

Balsamic vinegar has been used for many years to help treat wounds. It is suggested that balsamic vinegar has antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. These claims have not been well studied, however.

7. Relieving congestion

Some people use balsamic vinegar to help treat congestion. To do this, a person can add a few drops of vinegar to steaming water and breathe in the vapor.

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