
9 undeniable signs you need a mental break



Whether its work, family, or relationship drama, there are plenty of reasons why our stress or anxiety levels spike.

When too much is on our plate, certain things start to shift in our routine.

It can be exhausting, and a big sign that you need to take a step back and practice some self-care, letting your mind recover.

Here are the signs to watch out for:

1. You can’t sleep

If you can’t sleep and there’s a random bout of insomnia going down, it could be a big red flag. When we’re overwhelmed or stressed, it’s common to lose sleep. This is especially true if your sleepless behavior is causing issues in your ability to function.

2. Restless feelings

Besides not being able to sleep, burned out folks are restless and find it hard to sit still or calm your brain. This commonly happens when you don’t take enough breaks at work, or jump from project to project at high speed all the time. It’s important to slow down and take a beat — consider active meditation like coloring or yoga.

3. Unusual loss or increase in appetite

If you feel way hungrier than usual and are constantly snacking or looking to binge on junk food all the time, it may be a sign that you need to take a break. On the other end of the spectrum, if you’re eating less than usual, skipping meals, or never have an appetite, that’s a common side effect of stress.

4. Lack of motivation

Feeling less motivated than you are regularly? Perhaps you’re not enjoying work anymore, or no longer enjoying activities that you once gained pleasure from. This is a sign of burnout. If you simply can’t muster the energy or motivation, it means that your high stress levels can turn previously pleasurable activities into monotonous chores.

5. Energy levels drop

Feeling exhausted in mind and body but not sure why? If you’re getting your full amount of sleep but still waking up and feeling tired or sluggish, this is a sign that you’re burned out. Taking a rest mentally to recuperate is essential for getting that energy back.

6. Getting sick more than usual

A weaker immune system can be a side effect of stress. If you discover that your cold annoyingly keeps coming back or is hard to recover from, your body is unable to fight off infection because it’s not as strong as it usually is. Take a breath and recharge with some self-care.

7. It feels impossible to focus

Do you find your mind drifting at work or in class? Even in a conversation with a friend or family member? Hen usual tasks feel harder to focus on, it’s more than a mild case of forgetfulness. Maybe you need to rediscover passion in things that you love, or take a little off your plate so that you can let go and relax.

8. Indifference over achievement

Completing everyday tasks and activities are meant to provide at least some amount of achievement and satisfaction. If you’re bored all the time or just waiting for the time to pass, feeling connected to these daily activities can feel like an impossible feat.

9. Feeling overly negative and irritable

If you’re taking your bad feeling out on others, snapping, or getting annoyed more than usual. In its beginning stages, burnout often builds up a tense and irritable feeling that can escalate into furious outbursts on undeserving parties. If you’re always cranky, pay attention to the root of that frustration, recognize if you’re overreacting. It may be time to take a vacation or head to the beach.