
The origin of Halloween



Halloween tradition for the Americans is a perfect reason to dress up as movie characters, celebrities or even internet memes.

They also partake in different traditions like decorating their houses, trick and treating with their kids (kids go from door to door to get candy or sweets) and carving pumpkins.

Some South Africans partake in this tradition and others do not. Halloween is just a custom party but it wasn’t always like that. Halloween has different origin stories.

Here are some of them.

November 1 was New Year’s Day for the Celts who are now in Ireland. They believed that on that day the gods can be seen by humans.

Witches also believe that Halloween is a time where the veil between the dead and living is lifted and humans can see the dead.

Interestingly, the word Halloween has a Christian origin though corrupted. November 1 was All Hallows Day or All Saints day. The day before it was called All Hallows Eve and Halloween is a corrupted version of that.

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