
4 warning signs of infertility that women should never ignore



Over the past decade, infertility has become a common health issue among both women and men.

Infertility is customarily defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular unprotected intercourse.

There are many factors that contribute to infertility, such as late childbearing, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, among others.

The early indications of infertility revolve around the nature of menstruation and sexual intercourse. Early detection and treatment of the same is the recommended step to restore fertility.

Watch out for these red flags that needs immediate attention if you are trying to conceive.

1. Irregular periods

Irregular periods are referred to the ones that come early, are missed, or stay longer than eight days. This condition accounts for 30-40% of cases leading to infertility. Delayed cycles may also affect egg formation known as anovulation. While anovulation can be treated with drugs, observing one’s menstrual cycle, and consulting a gynaecologist to avoid further complications is imperative. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a hormonal imbalance, is one of the main causes of irregular periods, along with cysts on ovaries, and infertility. Infertility associated with it can be treated. Lack of female hormones called hypogonadism may also cause amenorrhoea.

2. Painful period cramps

Painful period could also serve as an indicator of reproductive health conditions. Prostaglandins are chemicals found in tissues in the body, including the uterus that causes cramps. While the normal functioning of these prostaglandins that causes painful cramps do not affect fertility, cramps that are worsened by other abnormalities (fibroids or endometriosis) can cause infertility. These abnormalities severely affect fertility and can be recognised by combined symptoms of painful cramps, dark or pale menstrual blood, and pain during intercourse; at the recognition of which, one should immediately consult the required.

3. Change of colour of menstrual blood

This can mean different things during different phases of the period cycle. It’s normal for it to be in shades of red, pink, and brown; what shade is released when is important to assess. Some times change of colour may indicate progesterone hormone deficiency and endometriosis also.

4. Painful sexual intercourse

This also, should not be ignored as it may be a sign of an underlying condition like endometriosis or any other pelvic pathology causing infertility.

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