
3 things to say “no” to this holiday season



The holidays are supposed to be a fun time. They’re supposed to be a time when you just chill and relax with the family.

However, as South African as we are, we’re constantly drawn to things that stress us out. This holiday season, say no.

Here are 3 things that you should say “no” to if you want to have a stress-free holiday season.

1. Going out at all during peak traffic season

Going out during the holidays is an extreme sport. Even when there are things that you have to do during the daytime you’re very likely to get stuck in traffic when you’re headed back home. Then imagine going out at night. Whatever time that you leave the house, you’re probably going to get to that party 2/3 hours later. As for Christmas shopping, this is your reminder to go and buy what you need to go and buy now.

2. Spending all your money

During the holidays it’s very easy to get caught up in the FOMO, which is basically the fear of missing out. You need to understand that we’re in South Africa, and the city is quite expensive. If you want to be a part of everything, there’s no way that your savings from this year will see 31st night, not even to talk of the new

3. Doing drugs

The fact that it’s the holiday season doesn’t give you a free pass to be reckless. The police are usually extraordinarily vigilant during the holiday season and if you’re caught with drugs or any ‘illegal substances you’re in for a world of hurt. All of your Christmas money is going to end up being paid as a bribe, or you’re going to end up in jail.

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