
What women need to know about v*ginal tightness



Vaginal tightness and looseness might seem to be sensitive topics to discuss. But ladies, you need to know about what is normal and what is not with your vagina.

Some women may experience the feeling that their vaginas are completely closed, while others complain that theirs are uncontrollably loose.

This article will provide you with useful information so you can know whether your lady parts’ tightness is normal enough and if not, what some of the possible reasons might be.

How can I tell if my vagina is too tight?

The tightness of the vagina is different depending on each person. What is considered “tight” to one person may be normal to another. When you are checking your vagina, you should only use your own sensations as a benchmark. If your vagina is too tight, there are a few things you might experience:

– You may feel extreme pain during sexual activity. This is often the first sign. It can go away after stopping sexual activities, but it may remain painful for days.

– An increasing stinging or burning sensation in your vagina when penetrated

– Intense pain when inserting tampons.

– In the long-term, this problem can lead to loss of sexual desire because of your fear of discomfort.

Normally, it is OK to feel a bit discomfort when you first have intercourse. That is because it is natural for your body to close up when something enters it. However, the initial discomfort will stop when your body gets used to the penetration. If your vagina is too tight, it can lead to an unsatisfying sex life for you and your partner. You may feel really sore or itchy for hours after sex, and sex will become a burden for you and your partner.

Why is my vagina too tight?

There are various causes of uncontrollable vaginal tightness, and they may vary from time to time, even in the same person. As such, women experiencing the problem should consult a profession gynecologist.

There are a few possible causes of vaginal tightness: –

Sexual problems. Experiencing discomfort during a sexual experience at young age can lead to vaginal muscles developing a closing reaction as a protective mechanism. Painful sexual encounters also have various causes, ranging from infections, abnormal physical conditions to side effects of some medications.

– Mental disorders. Some stress conditions, tiredness and depression can lead to a vaginal closing reaction.

– Fears. In this case, your fear completely controls those muscles without your consciousness. It can be fear of becoming pregnant, fear that your “lady parts” are not good enough for this job or even some emotional problems.

What is the treatment for vaginal tightness?

Women with tight vaginas can try some light pelvic floor exercises to control their vaginal muscles. You can do the Kegel exercise: a series of squeezing – holding – relaxing cycles. This exercise can be repeated many times in a day.

Another method is to massage your vaginal wall while contracting the surrounding muscle. Insert one finger, up to about the first knuckle joint, inside the vagina while doing the exercises. It is better to clip your fingernails first and use a lubricating jelly to make the insertion more comfortable. Start with one finger and work your way up to three. You’ll feel the vagina’s muscles contracting around your finger, and you can always take your fingers out if you’re not comfortable.

However, for more prolonged and serious conditions, it is highly recommended that you set an appointment with a professional gynecologist for proper consulting.

If you your vaginal condition is bothering you or it seems unlikely to improve, do not feel embarrassed about discussing the issue with your doctor. Without appropriate support and treatment, it can lead to long-term emotional and relationship problems, as well as problems with your own health.