
5 reasons your breath stinks even after brushing



Having smelly breath is something that many people deal with. It’s an embarrassing situation that can make you to completely shut others out and even trigger social anxiety.

In many cases, you can simply brush the odor away but there are times when you might be dealing with a persistent issue that just won’t go away.

It’s confusing because you’re left wondering why there’s still something off after trying your best to brush even thrice a day.

Thankfully, you can identify the root cause and get it sorted. Here are some of the underlying reasons why your breath is not so fresh after brushing:

  • Poor oral hygiene

The main focus when it comes to oral hygiene is brushing. This is something that we were all taught in early childhood and it’s the most direct way to keep our oral health in check.

At the same time many people don’t remember that you need to incorporate flossing into your routine as well as the use of mouthwash whether you prefer homemade mouthwash or store bought.

And, you always need to brush your tongue to remove food and bacteria buildup that can cause your breath to smell stale even after brushing.

Always blend all the elements of oral hygiene and see whether there will be a change.

  • Smoking

Smoking has become a more socially acceptable habit that people have picked up on. Some do it because they think it looks cool and others are actually addicted after years of smoking.

Either way, this habit has various health consequences including those that directly affect your oral health. If you smoke often and your breath stays sour after brushing, you could be dealing with the effects of smoking.

This also applies to habits like chewing tobacco since the effects on your oral health are similar. Now is a good time to kick these habits to the curb as we enter a new year.

  • Food choices

Eating certain foods and spices can cause your breath to change.

Garlic and onions are the two most notorious ingredients that cause bad breath because their distinct smells linger for a few hours even when you have brushed your teeth.

If you’re worried about the onion/garlic stench on your breath, you can just avoid them all together or just add them to your dishes in moderate amounts.

  • Cavities

Cavities usually hide food particles in hard-to-reach places where brushing or flossing cannot get to. Those particles accumulate and decay overtime which leads to foul smelling breath. The cracks and holes also create a breeding ground for bacteria that cause smelly breath.

To get all this sorted out once and for all it may be a good idea to book an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

  • Underlying conditions

In some situations, it could be that the issue is a symptom of a deeper problem. You might be dealing with conditions like chronic acid reflux, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, among other illnesses that can cause bad breath.

For now, focus on seeking treatment for these conditions and the bad breath could clear over time.

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