
5 habits that can help you get over one-sided love



Many a times we’re unfortunate victims when Cupid shoots his arrow in the wrong direction causing one-sided love.

While it may take a while to realise that the other person will never love us in return, it can be hard to move on.

Nevertheless, if you wish to shove away the feelings of love or get over unrequited love, then read on.

We present a few healthy habits that can help you banish the painful feelings away to embrace healthier practices.

1. Cut off contact with him/her

When we pine away after someone who doesn’t reciprocate our feelings, we tend to neglect ourselves. And it can be hard to move on if you are stuck in the same routine where you interact with them and wish they were yours. So cut off all contact with them for a few months.

2. Set a self-care routine

It would be wise to invest a little time in taking care of yourself with self-care practices. Be it a new night time skin care routine, exfoliation prior to your shower or even a simple cuticle care regimen; devote a little time to grooming yourself each day.

3. Allow yourself to time to grieve

Bottling up your feelings would never work, so it is important that you take time to grieve. One of the best ways to seek closure is to accept the end of certain feelings that have taken up space in your heart. Let yourself cry while listening to music or even writing down your feelings to flush away the grief.

4. Commit yourself to new hobbies and distractions

Stuck in the same circle of toxic thoughts, you may overthink and make yourself unhappy. Instead, make a positive change and commit yourself to new hobbies such as sewing some fabulous clothes, playing tennis or reading some more. Fill your days with new activities so you don’t dwell on the past.

5. See other people or date casually

A great way to get over someone is by accepting new people in your life. Allow yourself to feel butterflies in your stomach when a new partner loves and appreciates you as you are. Hence, you must date other people and make yourself open to new love.

A lot of us assume that one-sided love happens commonly when we are young. However, it can happen not just to teenagers but to people of any age. But you can use these tips to move on from the feelings that hurt you.