
4 incredible things that happen to your body as you age



Aging – we’ve dedicated entire industries to preventing it, disguising it and dealing with the fallout of it.

Wrinkles, grey hairs, aches, pains, and increased risk of disease: generally speaking, aging doesn’t get a great rap.

But it turns out there are benefits to getting older, with some physical and mental attributes improving as we age.

In this article, we’ll be listing 4 amazing things that happen to your body as you age. Read on to know.

1. Less severe allergies

Does hay fever get you down? You should be looking forward to your twilight years, when allergies like seasonal hay fever can lessen in severity.

Scientists think this is because the body stops producing as much Immunoglobulin E, which are antibodies in your immune system that release the chemicals that cause allergic reactions.

2. Fewer migraines

If you suffer from migraines, there’s good news ahead. According to Headache Australia, the frequency and severity of migraines can lessen as you age, with the prevalence of migraines beginning to decrease after the age of 50.

3. Social reasoning

Are you ready to leave the social dramas of youth behind? As we age, we become better at social reasoning. Older people have been shown to better use higher-order thinking skills to solve social problems and mediate conflicts between groups and individuals.

4. Generally happier

On average, life satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and body positivity all peak after your 60s. While you may be better suited to marathon running or remembering fast facts in earlier years, generally feeling happier is a pretty great benefit to aging.

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