
5 surprising causes of constant cold feet



As a human being, it is not out of place for you to have cold feet and hands sometimes.

But it is not always a good sign if it happens regularly because there are many health related issues that could lead to having cold feet and hands.

So in this article, we are going to have a look at some of the causes of constant cold feet in people.

The causes will now determine the best treatment or the next step you will take towards addressing it. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

What are the causes?

1. Complications from diabetes can cause cold feet regularly

This is because diabetes and high blood sugar level for long can damage the nerves in the lower extremities which can now lead to or cause cold feet more regularly. Another thing is that, Diabetes causes peripheral neuropathy and it is this complication that can make your feet feel cold often and numb in some cases.

2. Stress

this is another factor that can cause cold feet regularly. If you are the type of person that often gets stressed, then that could be the reason why your feet are always cold. The reason is that, when one is stressed, blood flow concentrates on the core leaving the lower extremities thus making you have cold feet.

3. Raynaud’s Syndrome

this is a health issue that causes a person’s body to overreact to cold temperature. When the temperature comes down, it might now cause cold feet and hands in some cases and even the feet might even change colour.

4. High cholesterol

When there is much bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in the blood, it can block some arteries that carry blood to and fro all parts of the body. When this happens, it can result to poor blood circulation to the legs and feet which could make them become cold.

5. Anemia

lack of red blood cells in the blood can be another cause of cold feet. If your body is lacking red blood cells, it can make the blood not to work as it should thus making you have cold feet more often than normal. Never take this for granted for your own sake and health.