Level 2: Solvent

This is the stage where you have just the amount of money to pay your bills. You are focused on getting by the day. The thought of not earning money for a month terrifies you because thoughts about paying bills fill you with dread. He thought of saving money, completely goes out the window.

Level 3: Stable

At this level, you can bear the brunt of unexpected expenses without having to worry about if your account balance is zero or not. You can afford to go on a holiday or two to refresh your mind. The thought of an uncertain future without money slowly begins to fade away.

Level 4: Secure

You are financially secure and strong. You can tend to emergency situations and face them headstrong, instead of just worrying about how to put food on the table. You look forward to your career, and your perspective about life will also radically change. You can also afford a few luxurious items once in a while.

Level 5: Independent

This is the stage where you do not worry about money at all, except for the occasional rounding up on your wealth. At this level, you are more carefree and financially secure. You can go on holidays, and look forward to living life in the best way possible.

Level 6: Abundant

This is the last stage where you are likely to think about how you can pass on your wealth to your children or grandchildren. You think of ways to pass on your legacy to the next generation and retrospect on the impact you’ve made in the world.