
5 common phrases that can make parents sound like a bully



Being a child is priceless and there is nothing that can replace the joys of childhood. However, children too have battles of their own to fight and to overcome.

Bullying is a serious issue that has been addressed in the past and more so in the present, where technology has become much more advanced, giving light to many online crimes.’

But bullying is not something that is just limited to school premises, playgrounds and in the digital world. Sometimes parents too can say or do things that may make them sound and seem like bullies.

Having said that, it is important that parents understand the nature of bullying and what bullying behaviour looks like in the first place.

Understanding bullying behaviour

Bullying is a repeated action and a deliberate behaviour of intentionally humiliating and/or harming people mentally and physically. It may include physical aggression like hitting, kicking, slapping or verbal abuses involving threats, resorting to blackmail in order to intimidate people or making remarks that take a toll on a person’s confidence.

While not meaning to hurt their kids, parents may sometimes indulge in behaviours that might insult, threaten or intimidate kids. They may unintentionally say things to their children that could bring down their confidence and hurt their self-esteem.

What parents should stop saying to kids

To raise confident, strong and kind kids, parents should be supportive and less threatening. At times, there may be certain things you say to your kid, without thinking of the consequences it might have. That said, here are the phrases you should avoid saying to your child.

  1. “You will do as I say.”
  2. “You’re so annoying.”
  3. “You’re good for nothing.”
  4. “Why can’t you be like him/her?”
  5. “You’re becoming so fat/skinny/dark.”

Additionally, name calling is something adults often mistake for fun and games. But a child may be deeply affected by it. It is important that parents mind their words and statements when speaking to a child. While they may not express it out loud, they may feel humiliated and targeted.

Types of bullying parents should know about

Bullying can be divided into several types. Four common types of bullying include:

Verbal Bullying – This type of bullying occurs in a verbal form where a person indulges in name-calling, verbal intimitation, making threats and passing disrespectful comments.

Physical Bullying – Physical bullying involves repeated behaviours of agression including kicking, slapping, pushing, tripping and touching in inappropriate ways.

Relational Bullying – Relational bullying is a more indirect form of bullying where a person tries to exclude someone from the pack. For instance boycotting them from certain activities, preventing them from joining groups etc.

Cyberbullying – Cyberbullying is bullying in the digital realm. This includes troubling people by spreading lies, rumours about them through emails, texts and posts of different social media platforms.

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