
Discover how fruits can have an adverse impact on your weight loss process



A balanced diet consisting of fruits, green leafy vegetables and protein rich foods like lentils, chickpeas, cottage cheese, eggs etc. is considered appropriate for weight loss.

Sweating it out by performing physical activities is also crucial in your weight loss journey.

However, as a lesser-known fact, there are some fruits which contain excessive calories and natural sugar. Such fruits should be avoided as they can cause a hindrance in weight reduction.

Here’s a list of fruits which you should avoid consuming if you want to get rid those extra kilos:

1. Avocado

If avocado is included in your diet, you should lessen its ingestion as it contains a very high number of calories. 100 grams of avocado consists of 160 calories. Although avocados are a source of healthy fats, they should be eaten in moderate amounts as they can lead to fattening.

2. Copra

Copra, also known as coconut meat, can lead to weight gain if consumed excessively. It is the white pulpy flesh at the bottom of the coconut. It contains calories and carbs in abundance. Coconut meat is quite relishable but like other tasty delicacies, coconut meat will also cause weight gain.

3. Bananas

Bananas are quite healthy if eaten in less amounts, they have a high glycemic index therefore they are superb snacks. However not more than 1 banana should be consumed in a day as bananas are packed with natural sugars and calories. 1 banana has 150 calories i.e. 37.5 grams of carbs.

4. Mango

As mango is an unduly sweet tropical fruit, it consists of some hidden calories. Therefore, mangoes can act as hurdles to your weight loss goals. Avoid eating mango consumption in the form of aamras, juices, milkshakes, ice cream, mango cream or mango pies. Enjoy this relishable fruit by eating it in its original form and restrain yourself to consuming only 1 mango in a day.

5. Dehydrated fruits

Popularly known as dry fruits, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dried figs, almonds, dates and others can increase your weight. As dry fruits have limited water content, they are very high in calories. 1 cup of raisins has 500 calories and 1 cup of prunes has 450 calories. Therefore, consuming dry fruits in limited amounts is advised.

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