
4 mistakes you make with your house plants that cause them to wither and die



Why is my plant dying? is a question that anybody who has tried to take care of plants has at some point wondered.

However, it aches to see our baby-like plants droop, weaken, or worse, eventually die.

Even if you might believe that you’re merely cursed with a bad green thumb and that every plant you bring into your house is destined to perish, this isn’t how things have to be.

Choosing the correct maintenance schedule is crucial to keeping indoor plants healthy. After you’ve done that, caring for your potted plants seems easy.

Here we bring you 4 mistakes that you might be making with your house plants.

1. Overwatering your plants

It is absolutely false to assume that all plants require a lot of water. Oddly, excessive care in the form of overwatering is what prevents the majority of houseplants from thriving. The amount and timing of watering indoor plants greatly vary, depending on the type. Always water the soil evenly and completely until the drainage holes are covered.

2. Maintaining them in the same manner as you would handle outdoor plants

There are various ways that indoor plants vary from outdoor plants. They require an entirely different range of care practices and are a part of a wholly unique natural ecosystem. Check the label on any plant you are considering purchasing first. Then, to meet its needs, conduct research on that particular species. Most don’t differ from typical plant care, but many do and failing to notice that can be a serious error.

3. Not considering the type of soil

Each of your plants would grow in a particular optimal mixture of ingredients in their ‘potting soil,’ as we call it. The plants receive far less sunshine indoors, and evaporation is much slower. In these situations, common potting soil frequently retains too much moisture, which, if not carefully controlled, leads to root rot quickly. Loose, well-drained soil is necessary for indoor plants, especially if they are exposed to indirect sunlight.

4. Considering that all plants need a lot of maintenance

The worst error we all make from time to time is worrying too much about our houseplants. Some hardy species will actually be content with a little neglect. Actually, many home plants are relatively low maintenance and difficult to die. An excessive amount of concern can lead to overwatering, overfertilization, stress from shifting settings, and many other problems.

You can start avoiding them now that you are aware of the most typical blunders that owners of indoor plants make!