
5 ways you can keep long nails clean



While we can admit that long nails are very cute, they tend to harbour all sorts of bacteria and dirt easily.

This can cause infections and you definitely wouldn’t want to deal with that.

We know that short nails can also have some buildup as well but the fact still remains that they’re easier to maintain when it comes to hygiene.

So, what do you do when you still want to keep your pretty long nails without all the gunk underneath? Follow these five tips on how you can keep them clean:

1. Scrub them daily with a nailbrush

A nailbrush will be your trusty companion if you want to maintain clean nails. They work better than other alternatives because those small bristles are able to reach hidden corners underneath and around your nails.

When you come home, use some soap and water to get rid of the buildup that you picked up during the day. You should also repeat this process every morning before you leave the house in case there’s any food or makeup stuck underneath.

2. Wash them when washing your hands

During the day when you’re out and about, it might not be as practical to scrub your nails with a brush. But what you can do is wash them as you wash your hands. You can simply use the technique you learnt during the pandemic where you move your nails across your palms as a way of scrubbing. The soap and water will lift the gunk underneath and keep your nails clean until you get home for proper brushing.

3. Wear gloves when doing chores

Wearing gloves when doing chores serves many purposes. They help preserve your nail polish, prevent staining, they keep your nails cleaner.

Now that we’re specifically talking about keeping nails clean, you should wear them to prevent that buildup from occurring all the time. Even a simple activity like cooking can lead to dirty nails so, you should probably consider this step to get the results you want.

4. Do weekly maintenance

Doing a mini manicure weekly can help to get rid of the stubborn buildup underneath that often attracts more dirt. It’s quite easy, and all you need to do is soak your nails in warm soapy water then scrape out the dirt underneath with an orange stick, or a similar tool.

This step will help maintain your nails better as you do your daily cleaning.

5. Keep a manageable length

The longer the nails, the more maintenance. That means that more cleaning is needed regularly because there’s more space for bacteria and dirt to hide.

An option that can make all this easier is to trim your nails to a manageable length. If you’re getting artificial nails done, choose those that you will be able to keep clean easily.

This will help you keep up with the cleaning with no stress and reduce your risk of spreading infections to your eyes and other parts of your body.