
How to make career change in 40s



It is nothing weird or wrong if you want to change your career field in your 40s.

There are plenty of things that you can do. Worried how to go about it?

Here are some tips that will help you get some idea on how you can make a career change in your 40s

1. Research

Before you make the change, make sure you have researched thoroughly. If it is a dream job, connect with people on LinkedIn where people from all professions are active. Ask around, visit websites that have reviews of the workplace, the culture and environment etc. This will help you get some clarity and answer your questions.

2. The why?

Not just the interviewer, we ourselves should be clear about why we want to work wherever, change our career fields and be aware of the risk or change involved. You must yourself be very clear as to what you want to do. Focus on the positive reasons why you are leaving or planning a career change. You must not be just escaping a situation. The reason for change could be the people, work environment, the pay or the boss. But you must know the cause for your change of heart.

3. Develop the skill

In case, what you want to do, may require an official skillset or studies in the same arena. Develop those and then look for a change. This not just gives your new and developing C.V a boost but you also feel more confident as you are updated with the new working style.

4. Identify your own skills

Every person should know their own specialties, what their skill set is and how unique they are. By 40, most of us know what we want or how we do what we do and what we are good at. Analyse how you can hone those skills and use them in the dream job you are looking at.

5. Jobs that you can do in your 40s

There are many professions that you can look at when you are in your 40s. Some of them include being a freelance writer, a project manager, event planner, having your own startup, a business man or woman, a real estate agent, marketing manager, financial consultant, a software developer etc.

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