Zoleka Mandela on YouTube
Zoleka Mandela launches a YouTube channel where she talks about her cancer journey.
The cancer survivor announced in 2022 that the cancer is back and it’s quite serious.
Despite her return of cancer, Zoleka remained consistent in giving a daily updates about her health and life on Instagram.
The businesswoman goes further by sharing her story with the world by starting a YouTube channel that has over 600 subscribers.
“I woke up to over 600 SUBSCRIBERS on my new YouTube channel, thanking you profusely for your motivation and time!!!”
Meanwhile, Zoleka reflected on the 1st day she was diagnosed with cancer 11 years ago.
“On this exact day, 11yrs ago (March 2012), I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was re-diagnosed in April 2016 with Luminal Type B Breast Cancer and diagnosed with Terminal Cancer (Stage 4, Cancer of the Bones, Liver and Lung) in September 2022. Today, and as always … I celebrate the wins of my journey, that which many women (I believe) stand to gain from me intentionally sharing my life story, and never the losses … The loss of both my breasts or the years ahead of me, I thought I still had! Today is a reminder of the support and encouragement that continues to envelope me, my biggest blessing and stimulus,” she wrote.