
How to choose the perfect moisturiser for your face



Your skin is your body’s largest organ and needs proper care as it goes through stress, pollution, etc. It is essential to moisturise your face to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Moreover, you should add it to your daily skincare routine to ensure your skin is hydrated and healthy.

There are several things to remember while choosing a moisturiser, such as your skin type and texture and the moisturiser’s ingredients, like SPF and antioxidants.

Importance of using a moisturiser

Moisturiser shields your skin and helps keep it hydrated and healthy. It is available in three forms, namely, lotion, cream, and serums. It helps prevent dryness, oiliness, and environmental damage to your skin. You should use a moisturiser daily, irrespective of your age, gender, and skin type, to protect your skin.

How to identify your skin type

You need to identify your skin type to choose a moisturiser that suits your face. Your skin type depends on several factors, such as your genes and diet. You can take a simple test to determine your skin type. Grab a tissue paper and press it on your face for a few minutes. Check the amount and areas where the oil is absorbed to check your skin type.

1. Normal or combination skin

The best moisturisers for those with normal or combination skin are those that are neither overly heavy and oily nor underly watery.

2. Dry skin

You should use a moisturiser that has thicker and heavier content to maintain the moisture on your skin. Select a moisturiser that is cream or milk-based to keep your skin hydrated.

3. Oily skin

People who have oily skin are more prone to acne and should use a moisturiser that is lightweight and non-comedogenic.

4. Sensitive skin

People with sensitive skin should be cautious while making skincare choices and choose the ones that suit their skin. You can use a mild moisturiser free of harsh chemicals, fragrances, and dyes, such as aloe vera.

What you should check while buying a moisturiser

1. Sun protection

Choosing a moisturiser that protects you from the sun to protect your skin from damage is essential. Choose a moisturiser with an SPF of 30 or above to prevent sun damage.

2. Antioxidants

Antioxidants such as green tea and pomegranate help prevent damage caused by free radicals to your skin. Thus, choose a moisturiser that contains antioxidants to keep your skin healthy.

3. Fragrance

You should avoid using a moisturiser with added fragrance and colourings, especially if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin. They may cause allergic contact dermatitis and cause redness or itchy skin.

4. Alcohol & Acid-free

It is advisable to use a moisturiser that is alcohol-free and devoid of acids to avoid skin problems, especially for dry skin. This is because these ingredients can penetrate deeply into your skin and cause damage.


It is important to cleanse your face properly before applying any moisturiser to your face. You should apply your moisturiser upwards, against gravity, starting at your clavicle or collarbone. Moreover, if you suffer from any skin problems, you should consult with a dermatologist to help decide the suitable moisturiser for your face.