
5 reasons why HIV/AIDS rate is high in South Africa



The rate of people who live with HIV/AIDS in South Africa is very high, over 7 million people live with HIV/AIDS.

However, the majority of them live a healthy life because the government is providing treatment for them. 

What is HIV/AIDS 

HIV – Human Immunodeficiency virus 

AIDS – is a collection of diseases that is acquired from HIV once the immune system is no longer able to protect the body from illnesses. 

What causes HIV/AIDS infection rates to be so high in South Africa? 

1 – Attitude 

There are many people who are infected with the HIV virus and don’t care whether they infect others or not. They sleep around without using protection because they want others to be HIV positive as well. That is a selfish attitude that plays a big role when it comes to spreading the virus across the country. 

2 – Not knowing your status 

Some people condomise only at the beginning of the relationship, it maybe three times or four times only. After that, they stop using condom thinking that they know and trust each other without knowing their HIV status. 

3 – STIs

Some people have sexual transmitted infections, and they don’t get treatment for it. And, the longer its stays in our body, the high are the probabilities of a possible HIV/AIDS infection. 

5 – Mother to child infection 

Some women find out that they are HIV positive, but still refuse to take treatments to protect their children. However, little they their contribution to the HIV/aids spread. Hence, Making the child grow up with the infection from the mother. 

What can we do to prevent HIV/AIDS spread in South Africa?  

Using protection 

Using protection, and I don’t mean when you feel like using it, but, every time. In this way, you make sure that you stay protected for as long as you don’t know the status of your partner. By taking this approach, you make sure that you positively impact the fight against the HIV/aids epidemic spread in South Africa. 

Knowing your HIV status 

To know your HIV status is very important. Because, the sooner you realize that you are infected, the sooner you can act against it.  By starting the treatment on time, you increase the chances of continuing to have a normal life while taking the medications.

How does HIV/AIDS affect our society? 

It affects our society in a negative way, by destroying families, separating couples and leaving some children as orphans. Hence, making it difficult for some children to grow in family friendly environments and contributing to a high rate of suicide.

Treatment for HIV/AIDS

There is no cure for HIV/AIDS. After finding out that you have been infected with HIV/AIDS, go to your nearest clinic or hospital for treatment. 

HIV is not a deadly disease, the sooner you start taking your treatment, the longer you will live.

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