
Reheating these 6 foods can actually make them toxic



We all live a very busy life and often we run short of time.

Be it selecting the dress for the next day or pre-prepping lunch and dinner, we always look out for options to enhance our convenience levels.

One of the most common practices these days is making a bunch of food and storing them in the fridge for later consumption.

But, did you know reheating certain foods can actually turn them into TOXIC? Yes, and here, in this article, we will discuss 6 such foods which you must not reheat ever!

Reheating these foods is a big ‘NO’

Let’s start with the staples in the kitchen.

1. Rice

Rice is one of the staple food for everyone and can be easily found in any of the houses worldwide. But, did you know raw rice contains spores that get turned into bacteria that stay alive even after it is being cooked? Yes, these bacteria can cause major illnesses and that’s why it is always recommended to never reheat rice. Consumption of reheated rice has been linked to diarrhea and vomiting.

2. Eggs

We all know the benefits of eggs. It is known as the ‘powerhouse’ of protein. But, this morning staple can turn toxic when you reheat it. Be it scrambled eggs or hard-boiled ones, never reheat eggs!

3. Potatoes

One of the most commonly used vegetables in Indian houses – potatoes should also be consumed fresh. When you reheat pre-cooked potatoes, you actually destroy the goodness (nutrition) of the vegetable and make it poisonous. Eating reheated potatoes can cause nausea and even food poisoning.

4. Chicken

All you chicken lovers out there – never reheat any chicken dishes. Why? like eggs, chicken is rich in proteins. When you consume reheated chicken – you don’t get any of the nutrition. Rather, it can lead to digestive issues such as- bloating, gastric, etc. But, do not throw away refrigerated chicken, you can use them in cold salads or wraps.

5. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are for all health lovers and vegetarians. But, did you know reheating pre-cooked mushrooms can kill the nutritions of the vegetable and make it toxic. According to the experts, eating reheated mushrooms can cause severe digestive issues.

6. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are known for their nutritional values. But, reheating greens such as kale, spinach, etc can be harmful. Spinach is a rich source of iron and nitrates which when reheated can turn into nitrites and other known carcinogens. These carcinogens can raise cancer risks.

So, never ever reheat these foods. Always consume them fresh and enjoy the nutritional benefits. Healthy living can ensure good health.

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