
5 reasons why cycling must be part of your day



It’s something that causes zero pollutions, saves you money and keeps you looking trim and that is just part of the reason why more than half the world chooses to go cycling, for fitness.

Here’s why you should get onto the saddle at least once a day…

1. Keeps the skin glowing

All that strenuous pedalling gives the skin a fresh burst of oxygen, which leaves it looking refreshed.

2. Burns calories

One estimate says that a woman (weighing 135 pounds) can burn almost 500 calories in an hour, just by cycling at a speed of 14 miles an hour. It also reduces the risk of becoming a diabetic.

3. Helps arthritis

Suffering from arthritis? Low-impact cycling helps removes stiffness maintains knee joint mobility and strengthens muscles in the leg. But consult with a physician or therapist before starting out.

4. Reduces risk of disease

Cycling regularly lessens the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. It is even known to alleviate depression.

5. Better sleep

Studies say cycling for 20-30 minutes per day reduces insomnia. The idea is that being in the outdoors exposes you to sunlight, which brings back the circadian rhythm and removes cortisol, the stress hormone in the body, which hampers sleep.

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