
What to pack for a solo backpacking trip



If you are travelling solo, these travel essentials will solve your problems on the go

Packing light isn’t as important as packing smart; when travelling, you might be in a situation, where you are stuck for some reason or the other, and that is precisely when you will feel proud of yourself for packing these travel essentials with you.

Here is our handy guide for what to carry on a solo backpacking trip:

1. Universal adapter

Every country has different plug type and may vary with the ones available in your country, so it is always advisable to carry a universal adapter. With this, you can charge your devices anywhere in the world.

2. Extension cord

A universal adapter will surely solve your problem and help charge your device, but what if you have multiple devices to charge at the same time? Well, you just need to carry an extension cord with you. Make sure you carry one with USB ports on it; with that, all that you need to carry are the cords of your phone, camera, and other devices.

3. Power bank

I am sure you won’t get a charging point on the go, and carrying a power bank will surely make your life easier.

4. Padded bag/backpack

You definitely need a tough carry-on backpack for your companion. Well, choose one with padded straps and insides so that your shoulders don’t ache and fragile items such as your laptop are safe as well.

5. Passport size photographs

Always keep a couple of photographs, for you might need them to obtain a SIM card or any other service in your host country. Also, read the visa form in detail to make sure you carry the right size photographs for the visa-on-arrival form.

6. Medical kit

A customized medical kit will always help you in the time of need; stay ready for any emergency with a stock of painkillers, cold and flu pills, digestive pills, bandages, tampons and more.

6. Currency (Forex)

It is one of the most important factors that will make your journey hassle-free when travelling to a new destination. You need money from the very outset, be it at the airport or while buying a bus/metro ticket or to pay the cab driver.

Exchanging money at the airport or at the hotel/hostel you are staying at is not recommended as their exchange rate is always higher than what you can get at a Forex dealer near your home. Even if you plan to exchange to local currency, make sure you carry US Dollars as it is easily acceptable around the globe.

7. Ready-to-eat food

Hunger pangs could really take you down, to keep yourself energised snack bars are the best solution.

8. Toiletries

Hygiene is to the key to good health so it is always advised to carry your own toiletries as you won’t know the quality of toiletries that you might get at your hotel/hostel. Also carry wet tissues and deodorant, for sunny areas you might also consider keeping a sunscreen lotion.

9. Easy dry towel/microfiber towel

While travelling you might have a very tight schedule and you might be at a move every day, Drying your towels might be an issue in this case. I recommend you to buy an easy dry towel which will give you a foul odor-free travel.

10. Travel Insurance

Mishaps don’t notify you before occurring so it is always best to buy travel insurance before you start your trip to keep you secure throughout.

11. Padlocks

Travel Insurance will surely secure you but what about your luggage? There is a solution to it, buy a padlock to secure your luggage as they are small in size, fit the zip space well and are quite durable.

12. Insect repellents

It is very important to carry and apply insect repellents all the time and especially during night time as an insect bite could lead to a fatal infection.

13. Water purifier bottle

Be very selective of the intake of any food item or water during your trip, contaminated food or water could make you sick and might spoil your trip.

14. Swiss knife

It can be a useful tool in everyday life as well as in serious survival situations.

15. Umbrella/Raincoat

Carrying an umbrella will protect you during heavy rain but make sure you carry one that can fit in your bag easily; raincoats are also a good alternative to umbrellas.

16. Rope

A rope will help you in various ways during your trip. It could help you strap tools and items to your backpack or clothing to be able to carry more things and keep your hands free. It could also be used as an arm sling in case of arm injuries.

17. Torch

Carrying a torch will help you navigate through dark areas will trekking or low light streets in a city.